Title: Whispers in the Wind
Fandom: MC2
Characters: Doc Magus, Darkdevil
Prompt: 36. Wind
Word Count: 149
Rating: PG
Summary: Dormagus is feeling a little bored.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Notes: And I got nothing here, again.
My Table Dormagus perched on the gargoyle next to Reilly, his head cocked slightly to one side as the wind pulled at his cape in what he considered to be a properly dramatic fashion. Finally, he asked, “What are we doing here?”
Darkdevil glowered in Dormagus’ general direction, but he was always glowering, so the sorcerer supreme let it slide. “I’m patrolling. What you’re doing here is a complete mystery to me.”
“Got bored, came to visit,” Dormagus said with a shrug. “The way you keep getting in to trouble, I figured I follow you…”
Darkdevil sighed, clearly disgusted, as he leapt from his perch. “Try to keep up.”