Title: For the Team
dorksidefikerFandom: X-Men
Table/Prompt: Table 3/25. Escape
Character/Pairing: Anole/Elixir, Beast
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 145
Summary: Josh was warned not to open the door. He should have listened.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: Sequel to
Predatory, and written for the
marvel_kink meme.
"I did warn you not to open the door," Dr. McCoy reminded Josh, not unkindly. He took some small comfort in the fact that at least now Victor had been caught, making any further incidents unlikely.
"Uh-huh," Josh said, clearly still somewhat in a daze after being molested by his friend and teammate. "This... is gonna be so awkward when he wakes up."
"We're the X-Men. We thrive on awkward social situations," Dr. McCoy assured the boy. "Think of it as... taking one for the team."
"I should make you go bald for that."