Title: Too Hot
Fandom: X-Men
Characters: Victor "Anole" Borkowski/Lazaro "Kidogo" Kotikash
Prompt: 75. Shade
Word Count:
Rating: PG
Warnings: Boykissing
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Author's Notes: I felt like doing something with Vic and one of his teammates. Lazaro was kind enough to be obliging.
Victor Borkowski sprawled in the shade of the old oak tree, sweat trickling down his body. He closed his eyes and tried to summon up enough energy to curse Noriko for shorting out the school's air conditioning. He heard the rustling of grass as someone approached and settled down beside him. A cold glass pressed against the side of his neck, and Victor opened his eyes so he knew who to praise as his savior. Lazaro Kotikash looked down at him, cool as the proverbial cucumber. "I don't know if I want to kiss you or kill you," Victor said. Lazaro had spent most of the day lording the fact that this weather was nothing to him over the rest of Alpha Squadron (except for Paras, who was used to heat too).
But he'd brought Victor ice-cold lemonade. A quick sip told him that it was properly sweet, too.
Lazaro rested his hands on either side of Victor's chest, smirking down at him before dropping in for a quick kiss. He tasted like lemonade and boy, and Victor could feel the place where his two lower front teeth should have been. He ran a not unpleasantly hot hand down Victor's bare chest. "Kissing is good," the much taller boy said."