Title: Where Do We Go From Here
Fandom: Marvel
Characters: Delphyne Gorgon/Amadeus Cho
Prompt: 9. Obsess
Word Count: 184
Rating: PG
Summary: So what DO you do after you take down an international spy organization?
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Delphyne watched Amadeus with a mildly amused look as he explained his plan to her. She mostly just let him talk - well, rant. She knew she should be more worried about this maniacal streak of his, but she mostly found it cute. Anyway, he wasn’t nearly as bad as some people she could think of. “Okay,” the gorgon finally said, “lets say you destroy SHIELD completely and totally. Then what?”
Amadeus paused for a moment to consider. “We go for pizza?”
“After the pizza. And I mean for the rest of your life,” she added, pressing a green finger to his lips as he opened his mouth to reply, “not just immediately after.”
Amadeus closed his mouth again, and was silent for far longer than Delphyne had ever seen before. Finally, he said, “I guess we could just make it up as we go.”