Title: The Mom
fullmetal_cuteFandom: Runaways
Table/Prompt: Table 1/6. Hot
Character/Pairing: Klara Prast, Nico Minoru, Molly Hayes
Rating: PG
Word Count: 202
Summary: In which Nico shows that she is indeed the team Mom, and Klara has a sunburn.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: As you all are well aware, I own nothing. Do you think if I owned these guys, I’d be doing this?
Klara whimpered softly as Nico smeared aloe across her sunburned cheeks. Nico clucked her tongue and looked the sunburn over. “Ouch.”
“You look like a lobster,” Molly commented as Nico moved on to Klara’s shoulders. “You burn real easy.”
Klara made a face and gritted her teeth, letting out a hiss and shivering as Nico spread the lotion over her shoulders and down her back. “The bathing costume,” she said, “was far too revealing.”
“We should have gotten sun block on you before you went out,” Nico noted. “You’re gonna peel something awful. Okay, you can get your legs.” Nico looked at the tube of aloe lotion. “We need to get more. Remind me to add it to the list.”
“You are such a mom,” Molly giggled, earning herself a mock-swat.
“You take that back.”