Title: The Phone Call
Universe: That Damn MPreg
Rating: G
Summary: Rebecca had to tell her teammates who she was eventually...
"Jen? Hi, it's Will. I just wanted to know if you'd be upset if Bruce didn't come home tonight. Yeah, it's looking like he might be spending the night in the infirmary."
"Rebecca finally told him."
"Yeah, he's not taking it very well. And it looks like she's about ready to punch his lights out."
"Waaay too much time with his grandfather as a kid, I'd say. I'd love to know where he's getting most of this crap from."
"Not yet, no. But I'll try to keep her from throwing him out a window. Oh God... BOBBY! WHAT have I told you about punching people!"
"Yeah, he just launched Bruce across the room. I'll let you go now. Give my best to John."