Title: Young Masters of Evil II part 6: Confrontations and Revelations
fullmetal_cute Fandom: Young Avengers
Table/Prompt: Table 2/73. Confront
Character/Pairing: Our heroes and villains, of course.
Rating: PG
Word Count: 351
Summary: In which plans and allegiances are revealed, and Billy is unsatisfied.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: I don’t own
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Comments 12
Billy, you need to make out with your boyfriend. His mouth probably still tastes like Lokispawn, and it's probably weirding him out.
I have two questions:
One: You described her father as 'bird-like', so that leaves questions on how he got the attention of Loki (even if s/he was a woman at the time).
Two: Is this series over? 'Cause I've got a great possible ending if it's not...
But you have to ask first!
1: Mina's father is a believer in the Old Ways, and worshiped the Norse gods as properly as one can in the 20th/21st century, as well as being a minor practitioner of magic. These traits served to attract Loki's attention, and ultimately Loki decided that he was good enough to use to create a child that might be useful to him (after all, as a god, Loki can afford to wait for a child to grow up).
2: I occasionally toy with doing more stuff with Mina and Tak, and I'm always open to suggestions. Whatchya got?
When she did not answer, he swung the door open and gaped.
On her desk, among other things, was a empty bottle of hair dye. His daughter had simply vanished.
Tak stared at his friend's new outfit, which consisted of little more than you'd wear in-between other outfits. "Morrigan?" He asked.
Mina shook her head, now covered in wavy golden locks. "No", she said. "It's Enchantress now."
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