Unnatural Silence

May 23, 2009 10:34

Title: Unnatural Silence
Fandom: Avatar: the Last Airbender
Characters: Ty Lee, Azula
Prompt: 43. Spooky
Word Count: 178
Rating: PG
Summary: Ty Lee doesn’t like where they’re keeping Azula.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Notes: Set after the end of the series, so consider yourself warned.
Link: My Table

Despite the best of efforts on Zuko’s part, the prison Azula was being kept in was an incredibly spooky place. At least, that was how Ty Lee felt about it whenever she visited.

Maybe it was because it was so silent. Ty Lee didn’t like silence, and the Azula she knew didn’t do silence.

At least, she didn’t used to.

This strange creature who had taken Azula’s place was horribly silent, watching her with eyes that were both too bright and terribly empty. She said nothing as Ty Lee carefully trimmed her hair, trying to repair the damage that had been done to it.

Ty Lee chattered away, trying to coax words out of the princess. Even insults would have been an improvement.

Azula remained stubbornly, eerily silent.

azula, ty lee, avatar

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