Title: Who You Gonna Call
fullmetal_cute Fandom: Young Avengers
Table/Prompt: Table 2/46. Call
Character/Pairing: Eli, Tommy, Billy, Kate
Rating: PG
Word Count: 234
Summary: Something’s haunting the library.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: I don’t own anything.
Eli did his best to wipe the ectoplasm off his face. Unfortunately, his hand was just as covered, so he only succeeded in spreading it around. He made a disgusted noise. “The first one who makes a Ghostbusters joke dies slowly and painfully. Just so we’re all clear.”
Tommy, who was busy trying to comb the ectoplasm out of his hair, grunted. “This is so unbelievably not funny.”
“No Ghostbusters jokes at all?” Billy asked, clearly disappointed. “But it’s so perfect. We’ve even got Slimer running around the library.”
“It’s not so funny when you’ve been slimed,” Eli groaned. “Dammit, what am I gonna tell my boss?”
“That the library’s infested with ghosts. You know. The truth?” Kate suggested. “Who knows? She might even believe you.”
“I should be so lucky.”
“It could be worse,” Teddy pointed out. “No sign of Zuul.”
“Yes,” Billy added, looking at the titles of the books lining the shelves. “And our little ghostie friend sure is haunting the right section. I swear to god, I saw this one in Dr. Strange’s library.” He touched the spine of a book, then jerked his hand away quickly. “It’s breathing!” he squeaked.