Title: Building a House: the Anole Chronicles part 6: Unpopular
fullmetal_cuteFandom: X-Men
Characters: Anole, Armor, Wiccan, Hellion
Prompt: Table 2/16. Pain
Word Count: 353
Rating: PG
Summary: In which Our Protagonist deals with life in the aftermath of an incident involving people who do not much like Earthlings.
Warnings: Mild language.
Disclaimer: I don’t own them, I’m just borrowing them. And really, I can’t be any worse to them than the writers Marvel PAYS, now can I?
“Ever get the feeling that people don’t like us?” Hisako asked Victor, who groaned softly in response. A quick look around showed him that the rest of the Crimson Guard unit was in the infirmary, though most of them didn’t look much the worse for wear.
“Who’s watching His Highness?” Victor demanded, trying to sit up. This action made his vision swim, and his whole body protested, causing him to lay back down with an undignified little squeak. “Christ!”
“I find it more than a little disturbing that he thinks I can’t protect myself,” William noted, drawing Victor’s attention to where the Prince Consort lingered in the doorway. “And annoying. Have I mentioned annoying?”
“Your annoyance is nothing compared to my terror of your mother,” Victor said with a weak chuckle. William’s lips turned up in something that was almost a smile before looking to Julian and the others.
“You all have your orders,” the prince consort said in a more business like tone.
“Orders?” Victor asked. “What orders?”
“My orders,” William said. “Protect Anole until he recovers, and,” he looked at Julian again, rather pointedly, “co-operate with Kl’rt.”
“We’re supposed to be protecting you!” Victor protested, trying once again to sit up, “My duty-”
“Is to do as I say, as I am here and my mother is not, and therefore should not be foremost in your concerns. You’re going to give yourself an ulcer at this rate. If he tries to get out of bed, someone sit on him.” And with that, William swept out, head held high and shoulders back, looking rather a lot like his mother.