Title: As Good A Reason as Any
dorksidefikerPairing/Character/etc: Christian Summers/Sean Cassidy-Guthrie
Fandom: That Damn Mpreg
Rating: PG
Theme: 24. Lonely
Disclaimer: Mine all mine! I just LOVE typing that.
Note: Yet another
That Damn Mpreg story.
“So,” Christian drawled, letting Sean pull him out on the dance floor, “what brought this on, Mr. Cassidy-Guthrie?”
“I could ask you the same thing, Mr. Summers,” Sean replied with a smirk, stopping and pulling the clairvoyant closer. “You don’t usually say yes to anyone asking you out unless it’s Lance suggesting beer. There’s been a lot of talk about you two.”
“Lance is perfectly happy with Ramona, and you know it,” Christian said, matching Sean’s smirk. It was moments like that that made him look like his mother.
“And you?”
“I,” Christian spun Sean around, “wanted a night away from the Squirrelly Bastards.”