Title: Butterfly Wings
fullmetal_cute Fandom: Young Avengers
Table/Prompt: Table 2/95. Beautiful
Character/Pairing: Speed/Pixie
Rating: PG
Word Count: 355
Summary: In which Tommy flirts with the an X-Chick.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: I own nothing. This is, of course, all
crazedwolf’s fault.
Tommy Shepard watched the oil slick like shimmer of light moving across the young mutant’s wings and grinned. The look moved across his face too fast for anyone to see, and he was by her side the moment she landed. “Has anyone told you lately that you’re pretty hot?”
His super-speed was the only thing that saved him from a broken nose. Nothing could save him from the girl’s startled shriek. “Whoa, there! Take it easy, gorgeous!” He laughed, darting around the girl and keeping just outside of her reach. “You startle easy.” He grabbed her forearm, invading her personal space. “Speed’s the name.”
She tried to stomp on his foot, though she didn’t put as much effort into it as she had the attempt to hit him earlier. “You’re that jerk who grabbed my butt before.”
Tommy yelped as if her blow had actually managed to connect and danced away with a fake limp. “Oh-kay, wrong approach,” he muttered. “Cute pout, but wrong approach.”
She preened visibly, though just a little. “Flattery won’t help you. I’m a total badass.”
“And I totally believe you,” Tommy said. “If I had butterfly wings, I’d have to be, too.” He tweaked one of her wings, invading her personal space once again. “You ever gonna tell me your name, or am I supposed to just call you Beautiful?”
Apparently, she had decided that he didn’t badly need to be smacked just then, but she had also decided that she wasn’t going to stay on the ground where he could reach her any longer. “I guess,” she mused, an expression that would have been a smirk on anyone else on her face, “that you can call me Pixie.”
“But where can I call you?” Tommy asked.
“How about I call you when I decide if you really are a jerk or not?”