Title: Out of Your System
Fandom: X-Men/Young Avengers/Marvel
Characters: Onesided Victor/Billy, Amadeus/Victor
Prompt: 7. I’m aware of what you’ve done. - No More Sorrow, Linkin Park
Word Count: 130
Rating: PG
Summary: Amadeus is well aware of how badly Victor wants Billy, and he’s got a solution that he thinks is simple.
Author's Notes: Yet another entry into the
That Damn Mpreg saga.
It was Amadeus’ opinion that his life would be far easier if Victor would just go ahead and fuck Billy Kaplan, thus allowing him to finally get it out of his system. Then maybe, just maybe, he’d stop obsessing about the guy and they could get on with their lives.
And while I’m dreaming, he thought as he watched Victor watch Billy train, I’d like a pony.