Title: Putting it Off
Fandom: MC2
Characters: Hudson Logan
Prompt: 8. Procrastinate
Word Count: 167
Rating: PG
Summary: He knows he should make the call.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
My Table Hudson Logan steepled his fingers and leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table. Sitting in front of him was a phone, and beside that phone was a notepad with a phone number written on it. He reached out to the phone, the paused, watching the light move across the adamantium claws he’d had implanted years ago.
He pulled his hand back and continued his staring contest with the phone.
He knew he should pick up the damn thing and call his mother. She would be so proud of him. She’d want to hear all about his becoming an Avenger.
She’d be so proud of her super-hero son, so happy that he’d become the man she always knew he could be.
With a disgusted sigh, Hudson stood up and walked away from the table.