Building a House: The Anole Chronicles part 1: The Announcement

Jan 12, 2009 10:17

Title: Building a House: The Anole Chronicles part 1: The Announcement
Fandom: Marvel
Characters: Anole, Wiccan
Prompt: 21. Blink
Word Count: 335
Rating: PG
Summary: In which we catch up with our hero as he receives a promotion of sorts.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Notes: Sequel to Building a House.
Link: My Table

“Permission to speak freely, Highness?”

William quirked an eyebrow slightly. “Permission granted,” he said, obviously amused by Victor suddenly falling back on formality.

Victor scowled, a look that wasn’t nearly as ferocious as he would have liked, no matter how often he practiced it. “I think I’m offended by what your grandfather wants to do.”

“You and Dorrek both,” William sighed. “But if it makes Mother happy, then we all need to suck it up and deal.” He slid the stack of personnel files towards Victor. “Think of it as a promotion. You’ll still be head of my personal security, only now you’ll actually have people to order around.”

“Oh, Kl’rt is gonna love this,” Victor groaned. “Like my job isn’t hard enough. Now I’m going to be making sure they don’t cause an interplanetary incident.”

“I’m sure Grandfather and his people wouldn’t send anyone who would do that.”

Victor held up one of the files. “They’re sending us Julian Keller. I trained with Julian Keller. Wonderfully powerful telekinetic, but ten minutes here and he’ll mortally offend someone, trust me.” He continued flipping through the files, blinking. “Jonothon Starsmore, Everett Thomas, Hisako Ichiki… okay, them I like for this. Heavy hitters, most of them with some actual experience under their belts… still. I’ve done alright, haven’t I?”

Aside from getting captured that one time, he thought.

“You’ve been amazing,” William assured him. “Honestly, though, it’s too much for just one person, and it’ll be nice to have some other people around here from Earth.”

Victor sighed again, this time in defeat. “Yeah, it will be. If we can keep Julian from causing a war.”

marvel, wiccan, x-men, young avengers, anole

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