Title: Someday
Fandom: MC2
Characters: Spider-Girl, Torus Storm
Prompt: 28. Hope
Word Count: 160
Rating: PG
Summary: “We could make a great team.”
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
My Table “You and me,” Torus suggested, leaning over the back of his seat to look at Spider-Girl, “we could make a great team.” He grinned - on an older boy, the look might have been a leer, but on Torus is was a grin - and cocked an eyebrow.
She looked him up and down. “How old are you?”
Torus smoothed his hair back, only to have a few green strands flop back in his face, and smiled hopefully. “Thirteen.”
“Oy vey,” Spider-Girl sighed softly. “I should introduce you to a girl I know. You’ve got plenty in common.” She held up both hands. “I’m not looking for a partner or a sidekick or anything like that.”
His face fell, and he slid back down into his seat.
“Maybe when you’re older.”