Title: Jorge
fullmetal_cute Fandom: Runaways
Table/Prompt: Table 1/7. Friend
Character/Pairing: Victor, Molly, Jorge
Rating: PG
Word Count: 259
Summary: Victor wants to get one last message to his friend before he breaks off completely from his old life.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Victor dropped the scavenged coins into the payphone and punched in the number. Listening to the ringing, he wasn’t sure if he wanted Jorge to be there or not. No matter what, this was going to be awkward, but if his friend picked up, how the hell was he going to explain what was going on?
“Is this gonna take long?” Molly sighed, shifting her weight and pouting.
“Just a minute,” he told the little girl. “I gotta let my friend know I’m okay.”
She looked up at Victor, looking very sweet and innocent and young, in no small part thanks to the hat she wore. “Nico said that you’ve only got a minute to do this. Then I’m supposed to drag you away, no matter what.”
Jorge’s voice mail finally picked up. “It’s me. Leave a message.”
Victor turned away from the impossibly strong girl. “Jorge, it’s me. Just wanted to let you know that I’m alright,” he said quickly in Spanish. “I-I don’t know when I’ll be back. Goodbye.”
He hung up the phone, taking a slow, deep breath. “Alright,” he said, turning back to look at Molly, “I’m done. Lets go.”
“Finally.” She took Victor’s hand, pulling him along behind her. “You play Risk?”
“I’m okay at it.”