That Time Of Year Again

Dec 01, 2008 11:10

Title: That Time Of Year Again
Author/Artist: dorksidefiker
Pairing/Character/etc: Bobby Altman-Kaplan, Auggie Barton-Christian, Victor Borkowski
Fandom: That Damn Mpreg
Rating: PG
Theme: 12. Remember.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Note: A That Damn Mpreg Christmas Tale.

Robert Altman-Kaplan looked up at his great-great-nephew, standing on a stepladder, mistletoe dangling from one hand. “Is it Christmas time already?” he asked with a slightly puzzled frown.

Auggie looked down, the ladder wobbling slightly before Robert grabbed it and steadied it. “Yeah. The snow coming down is usually considered a clue.” He pinned the mistletoe to the center of the mantle and scrambled down.

“I don’t really keep track anymore,” Robert admitted. “It’s hard to remember sometimes.” He handed the younger man the ladder and looked up at the mistletoe, hanging there, waiting to trap the unwary.

“Bobby, you’ve always made a better door than a window.”

Robert pulled his attention from the plant to Victor Borkowski, who had his arms full of holiday wreaths clearly awaiting hanging. “Sorry,” he said, taking some of the burden from him. He paused for just a moment, then planted a rough kiss on Victor’s mouth. “So, where do these go?”

“You never change, do you?” Victor asked.

marvel, x-men, that damn mpreg, anole

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