Title: Unimpressed
dorksidefikerFandom: That Damn Mpreg
Table/Prompt: Table 5/5. Awe
Character/Pairing: Nate Altman-Kaplan
Rating: PG
Word Count: 143
Summary: It’s very hard to awe Nate.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: Another entry into
That Damn Mpreg Nate clucked his tongue and put his hands on his hips, looking the newest Herald of Galactus over. “Should I be trembling in awe?” he asked archly.
Every movement of the being was accompanied by the sound of a wet finger being run around the rim of a glass. “Yes, you should be, mortal, for you are in the presence of the Power Cosmic!” it said with a voice that sounded like crystals being crushed.
“I hear that a lot,” Nate mused. “And yet everyone who’s ever said that to me has continued to fail to impress me. It’s kind of disappointing, really.”