Title: Mistletoe
fullmetal_cuteFandom: New X-Men
Table/Prompt: Table 3/40. Kiss
Character/Pairing: Wither/Elixir, Prodigy, Noriko
Rating: PG
Word Count: 218
Summary: In which there is mistletoe and teasing, and Kevin shows that there are some Christmas traditions he really would rather do without.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: I own nothing, and this was written for
steve_the_fish “Jesus fucking Christ, Foley!” Kevin yelped, trying to duck away from Josh and the mistletoe the golden boy was wielding. “I’m not doing this!”
“If I can submit to the mistletoe molesting,” David called from inside the room, over Josh’s protests that it wasn’t ‘molesting’, “then so can you. Believe me, it can’t be any worse than what I had to go through.”
“I have pictures,” Noriko added helpfully. “And I had to put up with it too.”
“Snog! Snog! Snog!” someone else chanted.
“If you don’t do this, they’ll never let you hear the end of it,” Josh warned, holding up the sprig of greenery. “I promise I’ll be gentle,” he added with a small smirk. “Unless you’re chicken.”
Kevin tugged his glove off and put a finger to the sprig, letting it wither away to nothing. “And I promise I’ll be rough if you don’t let me get by.”
“Promises, promises.”
“Just kiss already!” Noriko shouted.