Title: A Little Bribe
Fandom: X-Men
Characters: Victor, Paras
Prompt: 41. Bribery
Word Count: 158
Rating: PG
Summary: Paras knows just how to get Victor to do what he wants.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
My Table “This is completely and totally unfair, Paras,” Victor moaned, squirming in his chair as his roommate rubbed his shoulders.
“Does that mean you want me to stop?” Paras asked, his lips almost brushing Victor’s ear as he started to pull his hands away.
“God no.” Victor groaned as Paras dug a thumb into a tense knot of muscle. “Unfair…”
“But you are going to do what I asked?” Paras continued to rub the back of Victor’s neck as the boy melted into the chair. “Right?”
“Uh-huh.” Victor sighed, his eyes fluttering closed. “A little lower?” he suggested. Paras’ hands slide down, and Victor moaned loudly, causing the other boy to chuckle.
“How would Santo put this? You are so easy.”