Title: Well Timed
Fandom: X-Men/Young Avengers
Characters: Victor, Billy
Prompt: 12. You think that I can’t fly? Well you just watch me. - Gravity, Dresden Dolls
Word Count: 140
Rating: PG
Summary: Are you SURE I can’t fly?
Author's Notes: I own nothing.
Victor stood at the edge of the hijacked helicarrier, arms spread wide. “You take one more step, and I’ll jump,” he warned. “And I’ll take everything I know with me.”
“You wouldn’t dare.”
Victor grinned. “Watch me.”
He fell backwards, enjoying the terrorist’s surprised expression as he disappearing into the clouds below.
He fell for less than a minute before hitting a glowing blue disk hovering in the damp mass of air and water. It smelled like lightning.
“We have got to stop meeting like this,” Billy said, chuckling.