Title: Madness
dorksidefikerFandom: X-Men/Runaways/Young Avengers
Prompt: 50-B/48. Writer’s Choice
Character/Pairing: Noriko, Nico, Kate
Rating: PG
Word Count: 140
Summary: We’re all mad here.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: Written for the
Young Avengers Prompt Meme. Noriko realized, about the time that Chase challenged Santo and Teddy to a round of Ferret Legging, that she was surrounded by crazy people.
“They’re all insane,” Nico muttered, hiding her eyes behind her hand. Kate rolled her eyes and nodded in agreement as Billy summoned up several soon to be miserable ferrets.
“That has got to be in violation of some kind of animal cruelty law,” the archer added, though she didn’t try to stop the oncoming tragedy.
“Do you think they got hit by Pixie’s dust?” Noriko asked the other two girls hopefully.
“We should be so lucky,” Nico sighed.