Title: Bunker
fullmetal_cuteRating: PG
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything. I’m just playing with Marvel’s toys for a bit.
Characters/Pairings: Paras, Victor
Table/Prompt: Table 3/11. Safe
Word Count: 157
Summary: The boys are getting a look at the X-Men’s new digs.
Warnings/Spoilers: None.
“Steel doors,” Paras noted, rapping his knuckles on Victor’s new door. “And have you seen the new locks?”
“Yeah, we’re in our very own bank vault,” Victor sighed. “I feel real safe now.” He shoved the last of his clothes into the new dresser. “We’re living in a bunker.”
“And this is a bad thing?” Paras asked, leaning against the door frame and watching the reptilian boy with a slightly cocked eyebrow. It was a look that Victor knew Paras had copied from old Star Trek reruns.
“Feels too claustrophobic for my tastes,” Victor said, grabbing his jacket. “I’m going out for some fresh air and a little sunlight.”