Title: Harlan vs Radu’s Hair
fullmetal_cuteFandom: Space Cases
Table/Prompt: Table 2/4. Battle
Character/Pairing: Harlan, Radu
Rating: PG
Word Count: 259
Summary: It’s an epic battle.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: I own nothing.
“How is it I am the only person on this ship that knows how to braid hair?” Harlan asked, looking at the wild mass of Radu’s hair with trepidation. He could see the unhappy look on the Andromidan’s face in the mirror in front of them.
“Rosie doesn’t have hair, and I don’t think Suzee even brushes hers,” Radu reminded the human. “And I am not going to ask Davinport.”
“When’s the last time you brushed your hair?” Harlan retorted, giving the pale curls a tug.
“Could there be a bit less complaining and a bit more braiding?”
Harlan took a hank of hair and started going at the tangles. “Yeah, yeah. But just this once. After this, you’re on your own, got me?”
Radu nodded, shifting his weight as Harlan’s fingers crept closer to his scalp. He could hear the human’s heartbeat speeding slightly. What Harlan had to be nervous about, Radu had no idea.
“Jesus, I feel like this stuff is gonna reach out and eat me, like those vines on the planet.”
“Ha ha. What’s taking so long?” Radu asked, watching Harlan in the mirror. The human was looking very hard at the back of Radu’s head, his expression difficult to read.
“Gotta get the knots out first. Trust me, I want this done just as much as you do.”