Title: Killing Me
Fandom: X-Men
Characters: Victor Borkowski
Prompt: 26. Die by your hand
Word Count: 179
Rating: PG
Summary: How do you write about your own death?
Author's Notes: Sequel to
Autobiography. Victor had agonized over what to write in his autobiography when it came to his death and resurrection. After all, how did you put on paper that one of your best friends infected you with a brand spanking new plague while under the influence of an omnicidal monster, then dug up your corpse and brought you back to life once he was free of the control of said omnicidal monster?
In a way, the fact that Josh was able to raise a three days dead corpse was the most frightening part.
The fact that he had done it very publicly meant that Victor couldn’t just leave it out.
In the end, he chose to write the simple, unvarnished truth about the whole thing.
It more than filled the pages he had taken out, dealing with Billy Kaplan.