Title: Seasons Change
dorksidefikerFandom: New X-Men
Prompt: 50-B/44. Season
Character/Pairing: Josh, Kevin
Rating: PG
Word Count:
Summary: Josh is being just a little bit smug.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: Written for
steve_the_fish as part of my Fic/Art Exchange.
“You must be dying in that getup,” Josh noted with just a touch of smugness.
Kevin pulled his shirt away from his skin and fanned himself. “Bastard,” he muttered, trying to dry the sweat trickling down his back.
“Just take it off,” Josh sighed. “A little sunlight won’t kill you, and it’s not like anyone’s going to come over here and touch you.”
“Shut up, Foley,” Kevin grumbled.
“You really can’t stand it when I’m right, can you?” Josh smirked.