Title: A Small Gift
dorksidefikerFandom: New X-men
Prompt: 50-B/40. Unfold
Character/Pairing: Cessily, Julian
Rating: G
Word Count: 139
Summary: Cessily got Julian a little gift.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Julian opened up the box, and then arched his eyebrows as he looked at Cessily as he unfolded the long leather duster. “Try it on,” she encouraged enthusiastically.
Julian shrugged the coat on and stretched. “Good fit,” he said. “I like it. Way cooler than a cape, too,” he added.
“I thought you’d like it,” Cessily grinned.
“How do I look?” Julian asked, striking a pose for the girl to admire. She looked him over carefully before announcing that he looked kinda like that guy from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, which just made Julian pout.