Title: Ghost in the Shell
Fandom: MC2
Characters: Doc Magus, Darkdevil
Prompt: 46. Ghost
Word Count: 193
Rating: PG
Summary: Reilly’s having a few issues with the beings sharing space inside him.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
“So, you wanted to talk?” Dormagus asked. “Uh, you want a soda or something?”
“Sure,” Reilly said, looking for a place to sit. He eyed a pile of laundry with no small amount of trepidation. Dormagus produced a can of off brand cola from a dingy looking fridge.
“You said on the phone that something was up with Daredevil and Zarathos?” the sorcerer asked, popping open a soda of his own.
Reilly looked at the can in his hand. “I need to know what I am,” he said, quietly and reluctantly. “Am I... just a ghost inhabiting my own body? My dreams...” He inhaled the soda in a long gulp and crushed the can. “It’s going to drive me mad. I can feel them fighting, getting louder... overwhelming whatever it is in me that’s me.”
Dormagus sipped from his own can and gestured for Reilly to sit down. “Gimme a sec to get my working togs on.”