Title: Say Something
dorksidefikerFandom: Young Avengers/X-Men
Prompt: 30-B/28. Writer’s Choice
Character/Pairing: Tommy/Megan
Rating: PG
Word Count: 165
Summary: Tommy’s working on ‘happy’.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: I own nothing. Still all
crazedwolf’s fault.
Megan chewed on her lower lip as she perched on the kitchen table. Tommy leaned back in his chair, looking off into the distance. Megan squirmed a little, clutching the edge of the table. “Tommy?” Her wings fluttered in distress. “Please say something.”
Tommy ran a hand over his face, feeling stubble on his chin. “My God,” he whispered.
“Okay, say something else,” she said, a little desperately. “Tommy? At least look at me?”
Tommy slumped in his chair. “You’re... you’re gonna have a baby?”
Megan nodded, still chewing her lower lip.
“We’re gonna have a baby?”
That was more promising. “Uh-huh. So... you’re happy?”
“In shock. I’ll work on happy soon, babe. Promise.” He reached over and pulled her into his lap, holding her tightly.