Title: Can’t Sleep (The Clowns Will Eat Me)
Fandom: Young Avengers
fullmetal_cutePrompt: 30. Sleep
Word Count: 142
Rating: PG
Summary: Eli’s spending some time at his mother’s while he tried to decide what he wants to do.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
“Go to sleep,” Eli groaned, throwing a pillow at his little brother. He missed having his own room, with his grandparents, but everyone had thought it best that he get out of the city for a while. Away from the mess with Captain America’s death and the SHRA.
So he was with Mom and the step-dad and his siblings until he decided what he was going to do now.
He hated to admit it, but the Secret Avengers weren’t what he had hoped, with Cap gone. He felt more than a little lost at the moment.