Title: Scars
Fandom: X-Men
Characters: Anole/Icarus
Prompt: 22. Let me see your scars.
Word Count: 310
Rating: PG
Summary: Victor wants his boyfriend to take his shirt off, and Jay finds that it doesn’t hurt as much as it used to.
Author's Notes: I own nothing.
“I wanna see it,” Victor said insistently, plopping down on Jay’s bed and bouncing a little. Jay cocked an eyebrow at the lizard-like mutant and sat backwards on his desk chair, resting his chin on the back.
“See what?” he asked innocently, even though he knew perfectly well what Victor was talking about.
Victor crossed his legs, leaning back as he dark green eyes narrowed slightly. “The scar. I wanna see it.” Jay looked away, lips pursed, and Victor leaned forward, his hands clasped together. “It’s not like I haven’t already felt it, Jay. All I want is to actually see it.”
Jay made an annoyed noise. “You’re not gonna let this go any time soon, are you,” he said flatly, his eyes resting briefly on Julia’s picture. He wasn’t sure when it had migrated from right beside his bed over to his dresser, where it was now partially hidden by books. It gave Jay a twinge to think about it, but not as bad a twinge as he had expected.
“Call me weird, but I’d actually like to see my boyfriend with his shirt off.”
Jay turned an unreadable expression on Victor for just long enough to make the other boy squirm a little, then whipped his shirt off in a single, smooth motion. Victor’s expression turned into something between a wince and a cringe, and he got off the bed. Hesitantly, he reached out and traced the scar with the tips of his fingers. “Jesus…”
“It’s not as bad as it looks,” Jay admitted softly, resting a hand on top of Victor’s.