Title: In Pieces
Fandom: X-Men
Characters: Jono/Jubilee
Prompt: 98. Vulnerable
Word Count: 213
Rating: PG
Summary: He’s in pieces again.
Author's Notes: Part of my
That Damn Mpreg universe.
Jonothon Starsmore wasn’t breathing. This made very little difference, since there had been a very long time when Jono hadn’t needed to take a breath. That had been many years ago, though. He’d gotten used to breathing again. He turned his head to look at the machines lined up beside him. Each of them was showing flat lines.
Jono didn’t have a heartbeat anymore. All he had was the steady thrum of the fire in his chest.
His first thought was Where’s Jubilee? The second was God hates me.
The last thing Jono had seen before everything had gone white was Jubilee at the door, asking him what was wrong while she shifted the bulk of her gravid belly. Their first child.
Okay, maybe God didn’t hate him all that much. Jubilee seemed to be okay as she dragged a chair across the room and sat down beside him, if a little bit singed.
“Oh God, Jono!” She gripped his hand tightly, pressing her lips to his forehead. She’d been crying. “You’re okay, you’re okay...”
Jono touched Jubilee’s hair gently and silently agreed.