Title: Building a House Part 1: Foundation
Universe: Young Avengers, House of M AU
Rating: PG
Summary: Because I can't seem to stop writing Billy and Teddy, and because this plot bunny won't leave me alone, and because I keep reading those god-awful romances at the library.
William, son of the House of Magnus, was supposed to be studying one of those oh-so-useful factoid sheets so that he would not embarrass himself at the reception tonight. What he was doing was climbing out his bedroom window, shimmying up a drainpipe, and flopping down on the roof with a sigh. The sun was warm and welcoming, embracing him like an old friend.
This was where he came to get away from everything. This was the one place in all of Genosha where he could be alone. It was understood that when William was up on the roof, he was not to be bothered.
The rustling of clothing betrayed the fact that today, someone had violated the sanctity of his space.
William rolled over, raising himself on his elbows and opening his mouth to rebuke the intruder, but the words died in his throat when he saw the source of the disturbance.
"Hi." The boy -- he couldn't possibly have been any older than William -- pushed a few sun golden locks of hair off his forehead and smiled shyly. "I didn't think anyone would come up here. I'll just-" He jerked his thumb over his shoulder and took a step back.
"No! Wait. You don't have to." William said, scrambling to his feet. Suddenly aware of how much of a spazz he must have looked like, he ran his hands through his untidy black hair and mumbled, "If you don't want to."
The blonde's head tilted to one side, the sun catching his pale blue eyes and making them sparkle like the Bay on a clear day. "If you're sure," he said, his voice a soft rumble that made William's blood race. "I'm Dori."
"Billy," the prince said, sticking out a hand. Of course, only his brother actually called him Billy, but Dori didn't need to know that. He had to be new, if he didn't know who William was, and in the prince's mind, this was not a bad thing. In fact, as Dori's warm, dry hand closed around his own, he thought it was a very good thing indeed.
"So then Magneto-"
"Billy! Bill~ee!" Thomas' voice drifted up to the roof, stopping William mid-story. The dark haired teen groaned as Dori blinked.
"I have to go," he explained, pulling away from Dori and sitting up. He wondered for a moment how his legs had gotten tangled up with Dori's, and then decided he didn't really care. "If they sent my brother to find me, it must be serious."
The blonde's large hand encircled William's wrist. "Will you come back?" he asked tentatively.
William's dark eyes locked with Dori's pale blue ones, and he made a decision. His free hand caught in the other boy's pale hair, and his mouth descended on Dori's. Either William had been reading the signals all wrong and he was about to get hurt, or...
Dori's arm circled William's waist, pulling him down as his lips parted to admit William's tongue.
"Biill-eee! If you don't come down, I'm coming up!"
"Dammit," William growled against Dori's mouth. He wiggled away, breathing hard. "I'll be back as soon as I can," he breathed as the blonde's fingers brushed his lips.
"I'm coming, I'm coming!" William snapped back, shimmying over the edge of the roof and dropping down to the window ledge. He slid into his room, glaring at his white haired twin. "The excuse I'm about to hear had better be phenomenally good, Tommy."
"The Skrull Emperor's gone sightseeing and no one can find him and Grandpa's about to have a cat." Thomas said, zipping around the room like a hummingbird on crack. "Family meeting. C'mon!" And suddenly William was alone in his room. With a little sigh, he plodded along in his brother's wake, hoping Dori would still be there when he got back.
Kl'rt spread his wings wide, letting them take him aloft. One thing he had figured out about his Emperor in the sixteen years he had known him, if you had to look for him, look high. A quick circuit over the palace, and Kl'rt spotted the object of his search lying on the roof, hands tucked behind his head, a grin plastered on his face. It was his default face, the one that betrayed his Kree heritage. He'd been using it more and more of late, often saying that the only way the people were going to get used to the merging of the Empire with the Kree was if they got used to seeing the merging at the highest levels.
The Super-Skrull landed on the roof in a crouch beside his Emperor. "Majesty."
"I didn't think I'd be missed so quickly."
"King Erik is properly concerned about the welfare of his guests. Especially one as important as you."
"Well, as you can see, I'm fine." Kl'rt watched Dorrek's grin get a little bigger. "I think I like Earth."
"Hn. You are looking very pleased with yourself."
"That is because I am."
"Can I persuade His Majesty to come down so that our host will cease tearing his palace apart?"
"In a minute. I'd like to enjoy this a bit longer."