Title: Snow Angels
Fandom: X-Men
Characters: Victor Borkowski/OMC
Prompt: 67. Snow
Word Count: 130
Rating: PG
Summary: Some people like snow.
Author's Notes: Sequel to
“You know, I don’t like the cold either… but this is taking things just a little far, Jassayn.”
Only Jassayn’s eyes were visible past the layers of coats, scarves, hats, and blankets. “The water has fallen from you sky frozen. And it’s staying that way. How can you stand it?”
“Usually I turn up the heat and stay inside,” Victor admitted. “But I don’t usually cocoon myself. You know, some of your people are outside playing in it.”
“Some of my people are very strange. I shall remain here until the frozen water is gone.”
“It’s called snow,” the mutant explained helpfully.