Title: Phobia
fullmetal_cuteFandom: Young Avengers
Prompt: 54. Air
Character/Pairing: Billy/Teddy, Kate, Tommy, Eli, Cassie
Rating: PG
Word Count: 195
Summary: Nobody ever said phobias had to make sense.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: Inspired by
this. “Jeeze, don’t you think you’re overreacting just a little?” Kate asked, refusing to look away as Billy glared at her over the bag he was breathing into. “It’s just a sock puppet.” She held up the one in her hand, and Billy flinched away.
“Just put it away, Kate,” Teddy said softly, rubbing his boyfriend’s shoulders.
Billy shuddered, edging away from Kate and the old sock with the bobbly eyes.
“Tommy’s never going to let you hear the end of this when he finds out,” Cassie pointed out, muffling her own giggles.
“When I find out what?” Tommy demanded, coming up right behind Kate. The archer turned to explain, the sock puppet still in her hand, only to find Tommy suddenly not there, his frightened shriek still lingering in the air.
The only other sound was Eli gathering up the other puppets that Kate had left on the couch, a frightening grin spreading across his face.