Title: The Baby Shower
Universe: That Damn Mpreg
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Three conversations about one thing.
“I notice,” Victor Mancha said slowly, handing a cup of punch to Chase Stien, “that you don’t seem to be dancing with joy.”
Chase took a moment to make sure the coast was clear before producing a flask and liberally spiking his cup, then Victor’s. “What’s not to be happy about? In seven months, I can finally make the Not So Ambiguously Gay Duo baby sit.”
“Payback time?” Victor asked, raising his glass in a toast as he watched Molly. The semi-infamous Altman-Kaplan siblings were climbing all over her, much to her obvious delight.
“With a vengeance,” Chase said firmly.
Chase snorted, gulping down his punch. “Who, me? What have I got to be nervous about? Don’t answer that,” he added quickly.
“Just keep doing things the way you always have. Make it up as you go along.”
Chase snorted again. “I’m not drunk enough for a heart to heart, you know.”
“God,” Eli muttered, “it’s a baby boom. We’re surrounded by pregnant people.”
“They’ll be opening an Avengers Daycare before you know it,” Kate smirked. “We’ll put Molly in charge.”
Eli’s eyes widened in mild horror. “‘We’?”
“What, don’t feel up to the challenge of creating the next generation of super-soldiers?” Kate teased. “No longings for the pitter patter of little feet?” She watched Eli struggle for a few moments to put together some kind of reply before laughing quietly. “Relax. I haven’t got a maternal bone in my body, and babysitting you all is more than enough for me.”
Eli let out a breath that he’d only just realized he’d been holding.
“You guys are going to make the most awesome moms in the history of ever,” Molly gushed, bouncing in her seat. “And you are so making me godmother!”
“Only if you’ll stop bouncing like that,” Gert groaned. “You’re making me nauseous.”
“OhmyGod you’ve got morning sickness? Nico, do you get sick too?” Molly asked, still bouncing, while Gert vowed to have Old Lace eat whoever had given Molly cake.
“No, I’ve got Tommy hovering,” Nico said dryly. “And caffeine withdrawal. I miss coffee.”
“I’ll trade you your Hovering Tommy for my Terrified Chase,” Gert offered. “I think he’s waiting for an alien to pop out or something.”
Molly giggled, and both women sighed.
“So,” Gert asked, “when are you and the Walking iPod going to join us in the maternity ward?”
Molly shrugged. “Dunno. When it happens, I guess. I’m really looking forward to it.”