Title: Splode
dorksidefikerFandom: X-Men: Evolution
Prompt: 50-A/10. Breakfast
Character/Pairing: Wanda Maximoff
Rating: G
Word Count: 130
Summary: All she wants is a cup of tea.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: I own nothing.
“All I want,” Wanda growled, surveying the kitchen, “is a cup of tea and a little quiet.”
Four sets of eyes watched her warily as she stepped over the remains of a chair, picking her way to the skink and opening up a cabinet to pull out the kettle. Tension was thick in the air as Wanda put the kettle on the stove and hunting for a clean mug… of which there were none.
The tea kettle exploded, bits of metal digging themselves in the walls as the rest of the Brotherhood dove for cover.