Title: Why You Don’t Do Magic In The Library Universe: Young Avengers, Discworld Rating: G Summery: “You know, I’ve always wondered about that sign.” Written for solar_cat05
EEEEEEEEE!!! Yay! It's just about perfect! A few tiny spelling errors, but all the important stuff is there! Big Mad Adrian and the hedgehog song and Hex... *huggles you* You're the bestest! I should make you icons more often!
The only possible way that this could have been better is if more Discworld characters got in on the act. I'd love to see what YA would make of the City Watch (and vice versa!), and I can only imagine what would happen if Billy met Death, Death of Rats, Death of Fleas, and Quoth the Raven.
Leave it to Tommy to end up in Lancre. And meet Nanny Ogg. He is so lucky he never crossed Granny Weatherwax. Yes, he'd know not to piss her off, but it's Tommy.
I wanted to keep this from spiraling out of control, cause if it did, then I'd probably never have finished it. And Nanny Ogg demanded a little screen time. And who was I to deny her that?
Esme wanted nothing at all to do with the business. And I'm not about to argue with her.
Comments 27
*uses appropriate icon*
*squees more*
Reminds me of that line in BtVS where Giles tells Xander not to speak Latin in front of the books.
The only possible way that this could have been better is if more Discworld characters got in on the act. I'd love to see what YA would make of the City Watch (and vice versa!), and I can only imagine what would happen if Billy met Death, Death of Rats, Death of Fleas, and Quoth the Raven.
Leave it to Tommy to end up in Lancre. And meet Nanny Ogg. He is so lucky he never crossed Granny Weatherwax. Yes, he'd know not to piss her off, but it's Tommy.
Esme wanted nothing at all to do with the business. And I'm not about to argue with her.
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