Title: Couch Ride
Universe: Teen Titans vol. 3
Rating: G
Summery: Riding on couches with Beast Boy. Written for
amarin_rose “Now,” Vic said slowly, “explain to me just why you were sledding down the stairs. On a couch. With Bart.”
Gar gave his friend and lover an easy going grin. “Have you ever ridden down the stairs on a couch?” he asked.
“No. And I know where you’re going with this, and the answer is no.”
“It’s fun.”
“We have to replace the couch.”
“We can afford it.”
“It’s dangerous.”
Gar snorted.
“You almost ran Speedy over.”
“She signed up for the next couch ride.”
“You’re nuts.”
“And you love it.”
“And I love it.”