Title: Thunder and Lightning
Fandom: Young Avengers (That Damn MPreg)
Characters: Billy Kaplan, Tommy Shepard, Eli Bradly, Vision, Bobby Altman-Kaplan
Prompt: 23. Sometimes I feel like I should go and play with the thunder. -- In the Shadows, the Rasmus
Rating: G
Summary: Molly's been giving him sugar again.
[We’ve traced the source of the power surge,] the Vision announced, Billy’s conjured light reflecting off his face. [It seems to have come from your apartment.]
Tommy snorted. “Way to go, Sparky, you blew out the whole damn building.”
“I just got here,” Billy pointed out.
[There is no way for Wiccan to have done this,] the Vision confirmed.
“Then who-” Eli started to ask before stopping himself. “Bobby,” he said flatly.
[Yes,] the Vision said with a nod. [It seems Molly Hayes has been giving him sugar again.]