Title: Generational: The Name Game
Universe: Fullmetal Alchemist
Rating: G
Summery: Meet the next generation of Mustangs…
“Ambrose is a nice name.”
“What about Jean?”
“He looks like a Louis to me.”
“How about… Edward.”
“Not on your life.”
“I don’t know… it’s a good name.”
“We aren’t naming the baby after a dog.”
“Adolph. That’s a fine name for a boy.”
“Reginald would be…”
“Karl! Nice, strong name, that.”
“Roy, would you please tell them we already picked a name?”
“You did?”
“What is it?”
“Bet it’s Roy Junior.”
“His name is Colt Maes Mustang.”
“Colt? Why cold?”
“I am very fond of my Colt Peacemaker.”
“Good reason.”