Title: King of Hearts
Fandom: X-Men: Evolution
Characters: Sam Guthrie
Prompt: 47. Heart
Word Count:
Rating: PG
Summary: This means war.
Author's Notes: Sequel to Parlez-vous Francais
The playing card sat on Sam’s bed like a love letter, the King staring at Sam as he regarded it, a tangle of something building in his chest. The blonde honestly couldn’t have identified everything that made up the tangle if he had tried. There was anger to be sure, and disgust, and a pinch of fear… and as much as he was loathe to admit it, lust.
But this was going too far. The Cajun had broken into Sam’s room, violated the one place that was solidly his.
He was tempted to track Gambit down and slug up, but every time he tried that, he ended up pinned to the nearest flat surface with Gambit’s tongue in his mouth. And that was not what Sam wanted.
And if he told the Professor, Gambit would turn on the charm and make Sam feel like a tattling 5 year old.
It was a mean game the Cajun was playing, and Sam didn’t even know the rules.