Title: Not Waiting for a Hero
Fandom: Young Avengers (That Damn MPreg)
Characters: Jeff Altman-Kaplan (Emperor Jaffas), Deanna, Nate Altman-Kaplan, Hal Lang
Prompt: “They say that a hero can save us. I’m not gonna stand here and wait.” - Chad Kroger, ‘Hero’
Rating: PG
Warnings/Spoilers: None
Summary: Nate and Hal aren’t going to wait around to be rescued. Written for
40_verses and
gaymuffin cause icons make me squee with my naturally unholy joy.
Emperor Jaffas VI stared at the view screen in horror as the Kree made their demands if they were going to release his younger brother. No mention was made of his brother’s friend and companion as the Kree went on. “If our demands are not met, the prince dies.”
The screen switched abruptly to the ship’s exterior. The Empress put an arm around his waist and nuzzled his honey blond hair. “It will be alright," she said soothingly. “They’re both resourceful.”
“That,” Jeff said as he watched part of the ship crumple in on itself like empty tinfoil, “is what I’m worried about.”
“I’m Nate Altman-Kaplan, Agent of S.W.O.R.D.,” Nate said, splattering the Kree’s brain across the bulkhead. “How’re we doing, Hal?”
“That was the last one,” Hal Lang announced cheerfully. “This old warhorse should be able to limp to the nearest outpost, the ‘ponics are healthy enough to support the two of us… what’s left of them, anyway…”
“I didn’t mean to blow the main tanks.” Nate said contritely.
“I know, baby. The replicators are set to MRE status, but I think I can sweet talk them into something a bit more tasty.”
“Most excellent. I’m heading for the bridge.”
“See you there.” The conversation fell into a lull until Hal said, “It’s not very dramatic, is it.”
“Saying ‘Nate Altman-Kaplan, Agent of S.W.O.R.D.’ It’s just… clunky”
Nate could just imagine Hal’s shrug, his head tilted to one side and one eye closed while the corner of his mouth turned up.
“It’s a mouthful,” Nate agreed. “But it’s my name.”
“True, true. But it doesn’t really work for that kind of pronouncement.”
“I could always change it to Lehnsherr.” Nate suggested with a grin.
“Your father would have kittens.”
“But it’d sound cool.”
“Nate Lehnsherr, Agent of S.W.O.R.D…” Hal drawled, tasting the name. “It works. Kinda sexy. I think for the ‘agent of’ dramatic pronouncement, a two-syllable last name works best.”
The portal to the bridge slid open, and Nate found Hal dragging the last of the bodies there off to one side. He closed the distance between them, putting one hand on Hal’s jaw and running the other through his dark green hair and kissing him. He tasted blood in the cyberpath’s mouth and pulled back with a frown. “One of them hurt you?”
“I’m fine,” Hal said with a dismissive wave of his hand and another kiss, his hands running over Nate’s auburn hair soothingly. “I kicked all kinds of ass.”
A light was blinking on the consol, drawing Nate’s eye. “Transmission from their buddies,” Hal said before Nate could ask. “They want to know the mission status.”
Nate stares at the blinking light, his arm snaking around Hal’s waist, a smile spreading across his face. “Tell me… are you pondering what I’m pondering?”
Hal’s grin answered the magnokinetic’s, his eyes glowing in the faint light. “Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition.”