Title: Cassie
Fandom: Runaways
Characters: Johnny Gallo, Julie Power
Prompt: 42. Adam's Song
Word Count: 172
Rating: PG
Summary: Johnny pays a visit to an old friend from his Slingers days
Author's Notes: Warning! Character Death mentioned!
"Who was she?" Julie asked as Johnny carefully arranged the flowers on the grave.
"Cassie. She was my friend and teammate back in the day." Johnny crouched in front of the stone, resting a hand on the top. "She could be surprisingly funny when she stopped trying so hard to be broody and dark and mysterious. She was smart and sweet and... God. I can't understand why she did this." He closed his eyes. "I miss her."
With a little sigh, he got to his feet. "I'll see you next year, Cassie," he murmured.
Julie looked from the headstone to Johnny, a puzzled frown on her face. "Why today? You said it was an anniversary."
Johnny gave Julie a small grin. "Today is the anniversary of the first time Cassie came back from the dead."