Nov 02, 2004 23:14
so, i always say this when i write an entry, but its been a long time since ive written. well, it whatever.
lately my life seems like one huge rollercoaster ride..up and down and up and down and way up and way down..who knows when itll stop or slow down....i hope it will at least calm some.....
i have so many things going and on and part of that is my fault cuz if i dont stay involved then i get bored, but i think im digging myself a very deep grave..nothing is slipping yet, or at least not too much, im just hoping that i can keep it all together...i need to get through this semester cuz i only have 4 classes left next semester and i GRADUATE!!!!!! thank god..its about time...i mean its only an extra year, but it seems like forever.
naca is this weekend and it should be an interesting time..then next weekend ill be home for my gram and gramps 50th wedding anniversary..yay! i dont really want to spend too much time with fam, but ill get to swim everyday i hope, and if not every day then most and get to spend time with someone other than my fam which will be a nice change.
went to visit my sis not too long ago..hadnt seen her since before i left to come up here for ra training in mid august....loooong time.
the ra thing is going good..hasnt been too rough and i dont expect it to be, i would love to not be on campus, but i cant afford anything here i am.
made some different and new friends this year...its nice...
playing raquetball every week which rocks!!!!
thats about it, i mean there is tons more, but i dont feel like writing it all down. im hoping that things become better and stay at least avgerage so that things dont get too rocky.....
im starting to look at all options for may and see what might come my way as far as jobs and experiences and chances..we'll see what happens..i really want to end up in alaska, but ya never know........