Nov 08, 2006 13:41
was an on Greek or roman era mansion if that makes any since, it was like a castle made out of gold and it was in the Mesopotamian city that was made out of gold set right on the ocean and if you looked into the ocean you can see another Mesopotamian city on an island in the distance that shimmered of silver and I guess I was swimming out in the Mediterranean when i swam under water and saw a friend of mine dead from drowning and I guess i could function ridiculously fast and efficient under water like a mutant super hero but above water I was completely normal so i swam and saved my friend and when I pulled him out of the water there was this old school boat from the time with ors coming out of the sides , one sail and dragon heads on either end of the boat but the boat's deck was covered with little creepy girls with fucked up glowing pink faces, and i was like "fuck, the Phoenicians are coming and we're defenseless" super worried that they were going to attack on of our cities i kept diving underwater and saving my friends from drowning...the end.