julio: SSHH! [long pause] this neighborhood is hella quiet. [longer pause] you can hear the crickets.
this is just a collection of all the people of have ever made the funnies.
online. (47)
x aLthedestroyer: fuckyou
x aLthedestroyer: hahahah
x aLthedestroyer: dang you're a product of vicki.
x aLthedestroyer: I love it.
x aLthedestroyer: damn
x aLthedestroyer: you're all on my nuts
x aLthedestroyer: I cant type.
x aLthedestroyer: I hate my life.
x aLthedestroyer: I'll kill myself right now.
x aLthedestroyer: I rad it.
x aLthedestroyer: i laughed.
x aLthedestroyer: and was like " damn alex you're so funny"
x aLthedestroyer: shit I own your info.
x aLthedestroyer: yeah thats the pink I like.
x aLthedestroyer: man you're like my bitch you know all about me.
x aLthedestroyer: hey
DorksxArexHot: yo
DorksxArexHot: fuck
DorksxArexHot: haha
x aLthedestroyer: haha
DorksxArexHot : you shoulda seen my little fingers speed through that haha
x aLthedestroyer: i was hella on your nuts
x aLthedestroyer: hahahahaha you're a cheap date.
x aLthedestroyer: I want to kick that idiot in the face for making such a lame song
DorksxArexHot: what the fuck do i update about
DorksxArexHot: i havent made a good update in hella long
x aLthedestroyer: haha I know you haven't.
x aLthedestroyer: I dont know man
x aLthedestroyer: I havent lived your life.
x aLthedestroyer: B to the R Fucking B
DorksxArexHot: hey faggot
x aLthedestroyer: hey faggot $2
x aLthedestroyer: #2*
x aLthedestroyer: it went.....Matt,Janice,alex.
x aLthedestroyer: bam and I was done with her stupid game
x aLthedestroyer: where'd you go chica?
x aLthedestroyer: conchita!
x aLthedestroyer: ay ay ay!
x aLthedestroyer: my brother's watching this hella scary movie. so I've got headphones on turned up hella loud and Im trying to not look at the tv.
x aLthedestroyer: when can I plan my vacation at casa de alissa?
x aLthedestroyer: watching full house.
x aLthedestroyer: hahahahaha
x aLthedestroyer: :-[
x aLthedestroyer: i mean
x aLthedestroyer: you tell anyone that you die
DorksxArexHot: where she loses her memory from the accident?
x aLthedestroyer: no, its the one where Joey throws away mr. bear and little steffers is all upset
x aLthedestroyer: and then they find him in the end
x aLthedestroyer: but your cool and shizz.
x aLthedestroyer: remember don't care about anyone but yourself.
x aLthedestroyer: it makes things easier
x aLthedestroyer: haha. yeah I'm funny I know.
x aLthedestroyer: you're happy again
x aLthedestroyer: which makes me happy.
x aLthedestroyer: yay!
x aLthedestroyer: my ross story?
x aLthedestroyer: I like to call it " my ROSS adventure"
x aLtheDESTROYER: damn I have homework I hella dont feel like doing it.
x aLtheDESTROYER: american idol starts in 10 mins
x aLtheDESTROYER: how I cherish our aim dates.
x aLtheDESTROYER: dont you know that not speaking spanish is the new speaking spanish
x aLtheDESTROYER: god damn mexican american indians always screwing shit up
x aLtheDESTROYER: haha duh, I AM the mutha fuckin funnies Bitch!
x aLtheDESTROYER: their wouldnt be funnies without me!
x aLtheDESTROYER: weekends are fucking gay when everyone is busty
x aLtheDESTROYER: haha you little drunk
x aLtheDESTROYER: your screen name should be drunks are hot
x aLtheDESTROYER: ahaha yeah you're a jewy ass indian
x aLtheDESTROYER: you're such a wack little nigger
dorks x are xHOT: haha i know
dorks x are xHOT: NOT
dorks x are xHOT: i AiNt No FuCkIn NiGgA!
x aLtheDESTROYER: hahahahahahahaha
dorks x are xHOT: i AiNt No FuCkIn NiGgA, yO!*
x aLtheDESTROYER: That was the niggerest bullshit I've ever heard
dorks x are xHOT: hahahahhahahahhahahahhah
x aLtheDESTROYER: I'm sure to make the next funnies ;-)
x aLtheDESTROYER: I'm throwing down all my A game.
x aLtheDESTROYER: I've had these ideas brewing all week
x aLtheDESTROYER: I just sit and practice what I'm going to type to you
x aLtheDESTROYER: to make you laugh
x aLtheDESTROYER: because thats my main goal in life.
x aLtheDESTROYER: mrs. sordello is a cunt
x aLtheDESTROYER: my mom ripped that bitch a new asshole on the phone
x aLtheDESTROYER: get suspended again
x aLtheDESTROYER: and stay home
x aLtheDESTROYER: and talk to me on the internet
dorks x are xHOT: goodnight alex.
dorks x are xHOT: thanks for sayin hi nigger.
x aLtheDESTROYER: goodnight little alissa
x aLtheDESTROYER: haha
x aLtheDESTROYER: you didnt holla
x aLtheDESTROYER: so I didnt spit any game back
dorks x are xHOT: he got that from you.
x aLtheDESTROYER: haha yeha I know he did
x aLtheDESTROYER: he probably gets all his goods from us funny girls
x aLtheDESTROYER: you ryhming slut
x aLtheDESTROYER: silky!
x aLtheDESTROYER: I aint gotcha money nigga!
x aLthedestroyer: haha yeha sorry....guess where I was.
dorksXareXhot: where?
x aLthedestroyer: it was a garcia family paradise
x aLthedestroyer: the raiders game
x aLthedestroyer: I call it BITCHPLEASE!
x aLthedestroyer: no I dont want a chicken
x aLthedestroyer: why do you have one?
x aLthedestroyer: make it into menudo
x aLthedestroyer: I'm hella fighting with smarterchild b/c it wont answer my question!
x aLthedestroyer: havent you seen slackers.
x aLthedestroyer: pfft
DorksxArexHot: um no i havent
x aLthedestroyer: pfft
x aLthedestroyer: you're so out of it
x aLthedestroyer: go see it
x aLthedestroyer: immediately
x aLthedestroyer: that is your hw for this week
x aLthedestroyer: it's the funniest movie ever.
x aLthedestroyer: I've got big balls vicki's got big balls...but you have the biggest balls of them all.
x aLthedestroyer: tomahawk chucking beaner
x aLthedestroyer: he was all over my cock like a cambondian hooker
x aLthedestroyer: my mouth looks like an asshole
alexis. (my 7 year old cousin)
offline. (1)
alexis [ my five year old cousin at the time.]: kayla, you might wanna close your legs.
online. (1)
x whats her face: i mean come on...his names dexter. hes gotta be a pimp
offline. (1)
casey: and look at that guy..he thinks hes black and hes not. doesnt he know his eyes are squinted?
offline. (1)
christina: oh my gosh!! ITS DORKS ARE HOT!! HI DORKS ARE HOT!
online. (2)
ChristyMisti: me and katie went to LA COSTA!
ChristyMisti: and i was eating crazy bread
ChristyMisti: no wayy
ChristyMisti: i was high. but last week i was hhiiiggghhh
online. (4)
pastalovinskaguy: your crazy
dorksXareXhot: crazy indian*
pastalovinskaguy: ahahahahahah
pastalovinskaguy: yea crazy fucking indian
pastalovinskaguy: im just kidding
dorksXareXhot: you better wtach your back or ill get you with my bow and arrow.
pastalovinskaguy: hahah
pastalovinskaguy: ill look out for your hella tall feather cap
pastalovinskaguy: smoking the piece pipe twice a day
pastalovinskaguy: i thought your anscesters would come in like clouds of smoke in your dreams and tell you that
pastalovinskaguy: BUT I GUESS NOT
pastalovinskaguy: i bet your not even a real indian
pastalovinskaguy: YOU FAKE WANNABE INDIANE
pastalovinskaguy: INDIAN
pastalovinskaguy: fake
pastalovinskaguy: DAMN IT
pastalovinskaguy: you just have bad vibes...
dorksXareXhot: pfft. im 50% Yaki and Mescalero-Apache!
pastalovinskaguy: 50% BULLSHIT
dorksXareXhot: =-O
pastalovinskaguy: YEA I SAID IT!
dorksXareXhot: hey you spell Yaki Yaqui
pastalovinskaguy: ?
dorksXareXhot: haha all this time i was spellin it wrong haha
pastalovinskaguy: you dumb indian...
dorksXareXhot: tieet.
pastalovinskaguy: k
pastalovinskaguy: ms little indian gangster...
pastalovinskaguy: lol you heck of "talk" (type) like a gangster
offline. (1)
David: aww i hate julios poor.
online. (5)
DvdCrz1: hes hella girl
DvdCrz1: hes weird
DvdCrz1: like hell of!
dorksxarexhot: my moms being hella mean.
DvdCrz1: i think they all are to their offspring
DvdCrz1: where is she going?
dorks x are xHOT: fremont.
dorks x are xHOT: for a candle party, haha.
DvdCrz1: oh ha, my mom goes to those too, I have been to some also
DvdCrz1: oh what?!?!!?
DvdCrz1: his ears were ringin
DvdCrz1: when in need use anything to roll trees
DvdCrz1: you need a blunt
DvdCrz1: no a joint
dorksxarexhot: :-) you know me well.
DvdCrz1: yes i do
the text message. (1)
james: Sup
alissa: Nm
james: Tight
online. (2)
x The Hero x: Your info is very clever.
x The Hero x: Real witty.
x The Hero x: Imagine if you refer me to a deal that works out.
x The Hero x: You'd stand to make around a thousand bucks!
x The Hero x: You could buy booze for a lifetime.
offline. (2)
julio: shes hella ugly
julio: ah what a fruit loop!
alissa: theres alyssa and alissa..
julio: which one are you?
lucas: are you gonna pass that or what?
julio: no.
lucas: you have it hella out in front of you.
julio: i like looking at it. its hella pretty.
online. (25)
FANANIC: you have a nice car damn i was like dorksxarexhot got a pimp ride!
xmr redx08: i bet you looked pretty my lil dorks.
dorksxarexhot: i hella cant handle the hard shit. mario got me liking beer.
CasadeJuli0: its ok dorks so do i its mexican to like beer
CasadeJuli0:ive never seen them kiss i cant
CasadeJuli0: i almost did but i turned my whole body around fast enough
CasadeJuli0: hahaha i had to i was like shit 180 fast julio and then i did
not his head, his whole body.
CasadeJuli0: well im just happy that there together and that they have eachother it think its so cute im just overwhelmed at how happy they are it makes me smile
CasadeJuli0: HAHHAHAHHAA id have to be fucking lieing
dorksXareXhot: hahahah omg! i hella thought you were really saying that!!
dorksXareXhot: i was like "ew what the fuck. my respect julio less now but man he fuckin sounded whitE!"
CasadeJuli0: im hella good at it huh
CasadeJuli0: i can so hang out with all the white girls haha
CasadeJuli0: haha
dorksXareXhot: what
CasadeJuli0: michael hella makes me laugh
CasadeJuli0: he wont mug me or rocko but he hella mugs brian
CasadeJuli0: its hella funny to see it too cause ill look at him the whole time while hes mugging
CasadeJuli0: only two rooms
CasadeJuli0: that sucks
CasadeJuli0: ur mom will never be able to bring anyone home
DorksxArexHot: how do i get this hang over away? i never get hangovers.
CasadeJuli0: how to get it away
CasadeJuli0: thats funny that you ask me im honored
DorksxArexHot: the fish died this morning we tried to get clean water but they still died and those fish were helllla druk
CasadeJuli0: hahahaha tight at least they went out cool
CasadeJuli0: i smoked out of a peacepipe again today and i was gone
CasadeJuli0: not just regular killed
CasadeJuli0: hella killed
DorksxArexHot: but you dont think that.
CasadeJuli0: haha we talk about dude shit all the time
CasadeJuli0: but its talking shit dude shit
CasadeJuli0: what is lil dorks doing
CasadeJuli0: dorks i was going to say something to the lil one but then i forgot how to say her name
CasadeJuli0: dorks you and logan are hella cool
CasadeJuli0: its kinda funny
DorksxArexHot: haha
DorksxArexHot: is that why you were laughing at me?
CasadeJuli0: oh no
CasadeJuli0: haha but when i saw you and logan talking for awhile i was like there hecka cute friends hhaa you guys always wave to each other
CasadeJuli0: id say "bitch get off my nuts fuck" back hand WHACK!
CasadeJuli0: duh didnt have to tell me
CasadeJuli0: ahhaa im going to talk like logan ahhaa
CasadeJuli0: ive never deleted one there too funny
CasadeJuli0: and all those nights were hella crazy
CasadeJuli0: im going to show my kids them
CasadeJuli0: "see ur old man was a sav ass lil kid"
CasadeJuli0: hahhaa lil baby julio-"ur heck cool daddy"
CasadeJuli0: oh what a sleevebag
CasadeJuli0: how cheap of a move
CasadeJuli0: it would be a pretty strong strike but too many witnesses
DorksxArexHot: haha you sound like jerry.
CasadeJuli0: i know
CasadeJuli0: me and him use to make wars
DorksxArexHot: yeah i know
CasadeJuli0: me and jerry are hella smart thats why
CasadeJuli0: haha i was a top general when we use to warn the shit out of people
CasadeJuli0: the only thing is that it makes ur piss smell like it
CasadeJuli0: but other than that apple juice is cool
CasadeJuli0: just say no bitch im not getting on aim and just chill on aim
CasadeJuli0: i hate who chicks fight other chicks over guys
CasadeJuli0: its so silly
CasadeJuli0: you know what some asshole loser kid said to me
CasadeJuli0: where are you at
dorksxarexhot: why?
CasadeJuli0: cause ur profiles blank
CasadeJuli0: i was concerned
-the shortened version.
offline. (3)
kayla: oh my gosh did i make the funnies?!
kayla to my brother: i hate when people get sad, its such a let down.
kayla: dorks, there was no funnies last week, i was upset. no actually i was mad. i was like 'shit theres no funnies!!'
lips that fitt: im hellof not in the funnies
lips that fitt: THIS ONE SUCKS
lips that fitt: Man please remember to bring a tampon for me tommorow, i always seem to forget
lips that fitt: At cheer pratice stupid melissas shoe hit my neck while we were stunting & my mole fell off.
lips that fitt: & now i have cancer.
dorksXareXhot: whaaat!
lips that fitt: at least i get to die without that mole.
offline. (8)
logan: what the fuck?! her moms a prostitute.
alissa: seriously shut the fuck up!
logan: ok.
logan: ooh can you videotape that for me?
alissa: what should i update about?
logan: ..me.
logan: im just oo funny for the funnies.
logan: i was hi-la-la-la-larious.
logan: aw nate. didnt he like get kicked out of school?
alissa: uh yeah like last year
logan: you have hella weird laughs. like sometimes you have..punk rock laughs and little girl laughs and sometimes you mix them together so its like half punk rock laugh and half little girl laugh. its confusing.
below is a comment from logan explaining the laughs.
And I'm not exactly sure what a punk rock lagh is..its when u laugh like this...
"HA HA HA"<--the spaces are pauses.
Your little girl laugh is when u laugh like this..
"teeheeheeteehee"<---don't ask. I dont exactly get it either.
And when you do both its like this...
"HA HAteeheeHA".
online. (6)
TiNkiE WiNkie102: i bet my mom fucking emailed all my teachers already
TiNkiE WiNkie102: ew. a default away message? what is wrong with you alissa?
TiNkiE WiNkie102: well i did that cause i thought it was all gone and i put it right infront of my face and hit and all this juice came spilling out & i was to busy lookign at the screen to realize it & move out of the way & then all of the sudden all this juice pured onto my face and my bangs like a fountain
TiNkiE WiNkie102: n then i said "what the fuck is your problem" and through it on the floor
the moments i live for.
TiNkiE WiNkie102: his car was oooglay
TiNkiE WiNkie102: even after they "pimped" it
TiNkiE WiNkie102: hahaha my little mexican cleaning lady
TiNkiE WiNkie102: theres an lj club at schoool?
offline. (1)
lopez: oh my gay!
online. (1)
Triggerhappy774: he better not be trying to get in my wanna be kool aid
online. (5)
WishToBeWendy: dont you DARE try to hook me up again!!!
DorksxArexHot: and id be like fucck u
WishToBeWendy: with 2 C's?
DorksxArexHot: haha -blushes- yes with two c's
WishToBeWendy: a* hole!
WishToBeWendy: brb i gotta pee
WishToBeWendy: how am i gonna do my hair tomarrow?
offline. (4)
mario: my only friend is your mom.
mario: fucking 12 year old bitches that want some mario cock..and i say no.
mario: you know those x box cars?
mario: do you want to make peace with me now or later?..and then we can have turkey.
online. (15)
dorksXareXhot: whats up my nagger?!
super mario 004: my lil niggie
super mario 004: your hella your parents now
super mario 004: gay jewish mexican
marios Comment: enough with the (this weeks funnies), i dont ever laugh. .
Alex's Reply: you obviously don't know how funny I am, little hater, go cry or something like your idols. haha JK!
super mario 004: fuck your hard shit. beer is for a real man
super mario 004: i guess obviously your not a man.
super mario 004: tell your dad to take you
super mario 004: your indian as it is
dorksXareXhot: my godparents are hella rich and theyre takin me shopping for my birthday BUT i only wanna go to walmart to get sweats and a sweater and theyll say "thats all you wanted? well heres some money to buy yourself something" and they hand me a hundred.
super mario 004: what you should have been like i want some ac / dc shirts and shit
super mario 004: you know you hella want a new ac dc shirt
dorksXareXhot: man if i keep hanging out with you im gonna be sayin "ya feel me?"
super mario 004: or "shit", "fuckin a", "ahhh man", "wadup man"
dorksXareXhot: haha that will be hella funny.
super mario 004: i know
super mario 004: but you are hella indian so it would be killed a little bit but hella funny
super mario 004: support room sluts
super mario 004: whatever you do dont let sandy* find out about ti
super mario 004: it will be hella killed if she showed up
super mario 004: just kill it and cook it
DorksxArexHot: aw. i cant. i dont think you would kill it either.
DorksxArexHot: its light brown. it fits in the palm of my hand.
super mario 004: aww
super mario 004: well let it get bigger then kill it
super mario 004: lets put you on ebay. FREE INDIAN. on 5.95 shippings and handling
super mario 004: oNLY**
super mario 004: you and all your girl friends should join the lj club at school you and kayla would be like the leaders cuz thats all you 2 girls care about
super mario 004: well go suck on a mohawk spike
super mario 004: yea you natalia logan kayla alyssa all you girls
super mario 004: its like the clitorious
*name has been changed.
mike wells.
online. (3)
below brilliance: wanna hear a story?
DorksxArexHot: haha sure.
below brilliance: one time at a party i was really drunk
below brilliance: and i took my pants off
DorksxArexHot: hahahahh.
DorksxArexHot: is that it?
below brilliance: then went up to this girl and looked at my weiner then looked at her and said "its not gonna suck itself"
of being mike: no maam i had a little gin with a splash of vodka on the rocks
of being mike: say it english
of being mike: you will laugh
of being mike: its in my blood
of being mike: my grandpa was cool
of being mike: my dad was cool
of being mike: my brothers pretty cool
of being mike: and im hella tight
pee jay.
offline. (4)
pee jay: im in hush mode.
pee jay: i need a treadmill so my legs get stronger and i can kick someone in their head and kill em.
pee jay: i got one of them one things. if you blow in them a certain way they go eerr!
pee jay: im not heart broken..theres just a hole in it.
online. (5)
crazypeejay247: try to flow
DorksxArexHot: haha no
crazypeejay247: want me to flow about you haha
DorksxArexHot: sure why not
crazypeejay247: yo...yo....dorks are hot thinks shes ug but she not. she needs ta stop wear'n that ozzy shirt fo she gets shot. ah fuck i went blank
crazypeejay247: ill try later
DorksxArexHot: hhahahhahahahhahahhahahha
DorksxArexHot: before i get shot
crazypeejay247: jk fool
crazypeejay247: all you is is a dick tease, im stand'n hear like bitch please. you dont want to step ta this cuz you know you will get bitch slapped, but if you want ta get with this i am garentied to make it clap.
crazypeejay247: o.....i aint done
crazypeejay247: alissa look'n pritty good come'n wit a nice ass, she down too you she smoke that good grass
crazypeejay247: i aint done
crazypeejay247: she likes lil boys with baby dicks, i aint play'n with yo mined try'n to pull magic tricks.
crazypeejay247: put it all together
DorksxArexHot: baby dicks haha
DorksxArexHot: wtf
crazypeejay247: what
crazypeejay247: ur turn
DorksxArexHot: haha i dont think so
crazypeejay247: come on
crazypeejay247: was that gay
DorksxArexHot: haha the baby dicks part
crazypeejay247: i was taalk'n about that fool at lunch
crazypeejay247: but you know i was jk
DorksxArexHot: ooo
DorksxArexHot: hahhahahahhahhahah
crazypeejay247: ok den playa
crazypeejay247: when ur mad you think of killing me and shit
crazypeejay247: do you know a girl that is looking for a dude
crazypeejay247: well thats not good
online. (1)
countedthestars: cuz hes a gaywad
offline. (1)
Natalia: what is this? national mexicans dont wear mascara day? what, do only white people wear mascara?
offline. (2)
Vicki: the internet is top priority in my life.
Vicki: youd make a good hobo.
online. (3)
geometrycore: what do you like?
geometrycore: i could make breakfast.
geometrycore: like a mother...
DorksxArexHot: haha hmm..menudo!
geometrycore: you dirty wet back
geometrycore: we are americans here
geometrycore: we eat american food like cereal pancakes eggs and shit or breakfast
geometrycore: menudo? pfft.
geometrycore: take that cock job out of your info.
geometrycore: spread the love nigger lips.
geometrycore: ok ill keep it on the low doan
the search for an e mail address.
super mario 004: tacategirl510
x aLtheDESTROYER: mennudoisgoodo.
super mario 004: just make one like ozzyshott
x aLtheDESTROYER: menudocore.
super mario 004: how about imtokenjoints
x aLtheDESTROYER: little indian
super mario 004: XalissAX
x aLtheDESTROYER: little indian girl.
super mario 004: alissagarcia@aol.com
x aLtheDESTROYER: make it lil indian
super mario 004: rainbowpride420
x aLtheDESTROYER: indianalissa
x aLtheDESTROYER: playerhater209
x aLtheDESTROYER: just playerhater
x aLtheDESTROYER: classicreeboks
sitting in the park on a sunday afternoon. me and the crew just jammin the oldie tune. sippin on a cold bottle of brewksy. gav o a swig. he passed it back to me. right about then up came some of the homies. mike. elia p. j smooth. phil and larry. bustin out the ice chest. phil popped the cooler. elia p drank brew. nothin better to do. mike. his cup is filled with bird. j smooth had a cold glass too. you know it. word. girls at the place just preparing the food. the sky was clear and the weather was cool. kids at the playground playing on the merry go round. all the cars cruisin. bumpin their funky sound. cause its a sunday last day for a fun day. back to business as usual come monday. at the park everything went real smooth. on a sunday afternoon. we were chillin at the park. just waiting for the sun to go down. it was me shylo and the homies. a lighter shade of brown. i said chill. all the vatos in the park stay ill. playing horseshoes to win the bill. carne asada nappin on the grill. so now we eat. the cops cruise by looking for the booze. but what ruben had was plainly simply apple juice. coming up short just like a fool. went back to his car with nothing he could do. all the cars in the parking lot low profiling. and everywhere you look you see somebody styling. cars would listen. rolling deep with booming sounds. its a good time to cruise around. in the parking lot where the brownie was stackin and all the vatos are looking for some action. yeah. well the sun was set and it began to get dark. and we were getting ready to leave the park. we had a good time. yeah we had a good day. pack the stuff and we was on our way. yo mackin the brownies as we all cut em off at the pass. but they all actin all soft as we pulled up. they was actin all shy to us. but essays wanna know whos the flyest. we bowed out and jimmy hassler passed out. una esta feo. so hey yo pimps jacked out. coming up short they gave us no run. so yo homies consider this a dry one. time to cruise the blvd. time to have. im guaranteed to find a brownie while the night is young. we were rolling yeah looking real smooth. smooth. chillin. just kicking it. with the top down. down to the ground. i know they we watching me. smooth. chillin. just kicking it. with the top down. down to the ground. smooth. just chillin. on a sunday afternoon.
i coulda picked any other song but this one definitely reminded me of chillin in a park just reminiscing. and thats exactly what this updates about. reminiscing.
the final update.
i was going through my lj, reading most of the old entries, deleting useless ones, leaving the most important ones to me, and i started reminiscing. i miss the old days but everythings finally working out okay. im moving the weekend of aug. 19th and i never thought id say this but its going to be difficult to leave tracy. ive been here since i was 4. even though i lost most of my friends and only gained some of them back it will still be hard. i dont really regret anything ive done only because ive learned from those things. ill have a lot more knowledge to take with me when i leave this place. good friends we have had. oh good friends weve lost along the way. in this bright future you cant forget your past. so dry your tears i say. (from my favorite song when i was 3 year old. no woman no cry. bob marley.) i dont know what else to put in this because i dont want to write a book. to everyone. and i truly do mean everyone. dont let anyone drag you down or put you down. any day our life can be taken from us and what if that whole time we were spending it dwelling and regretting? enjoy life while you have it. this is your life and its ending one minute at a time. (fight club narrator) dont let anyone drag you down put you down or try to change you. just brush it off and keep walking with your head held high. i hope that you all take care of yourselves. most of you have taught me a lot without even realizing it. thank you for that. and for the ones who were always there for me no matter what thank you so much. i really do mean that. ill miss you all even if you dont think so and even if you dont care. goodbye you guys.
Amore Siempre.
a.k.a. asshole alissa. dorks. DORKS ARE HOT!! dorksie. dorksie pie. lil dorks. moe.