Well, once again I've neglected this blog for a while. I swear I'll be better once I get my new site up (which will be after I launch The American Autumn site...). Anyway, here's a really brief summery of what's been going on.
- I went to Europe! That was awesome. Jeff, Bryan, and I went to Barcelona and Paris for 10 days to hang out and visit my parents. It was really cool. I'll post some pictures soon (or try to find the link to where Bryan posted his pictures)
- The band is going well. We've got a shows coming up on April 12th and May 24th. Be there. I've been working pretty hard on the website and it's turning out pretty cool. Hopefully I can get it launched soon.
- I'm posting this from Firefox 3.0 beta 5. So far it seems pretty cool. I miss all my extensions, but I think once this is released I'm going to be very happy.
- I've been playing with a new IM client called Digsby. It's pretty nice and ties into social networks to give updates on MySpace, Facebook, and Twitter. I guess I use those things, so it's pretty nice. I don't know if it'll replace Pidgin, but time will tell.
- I finished up my first term (1 class) at DePaul. I got an A in the class, which is cool and I've started my next class which is about Flash and Actionscript. So far it's pretty cool and I think I'm going to enjoy it
- I saw Zolof The Rock & Roll Destroyer on Monday night and it was awesome!
- Jeff and I have been talking more about making the Team Hampser Hat site a reality. I'll have to work out the logistics after I finish up a few other projects. We'll see....
- Work has been going alright. We've been trying to launch the site for Dollar General for about a week, but things keep slowing us up. I really want to just wrap this up.
- Last night I ate 24 bonless wings from B-Dubs and felt pretty sick.