Meme post.

Dec 29, 2009 12:08

earthykitty tagged me, so here we go.

Once you are tagged you must post this in your journal and list 6 of your weirdest habits/tendencies/facts about you. They can be serious, silly, ridiculous - whatever! Then tag six more people at the end.

1. I have this thing where I refuse to eat at work unless absolutely necessary. Also, I refuse to buy lunch/snack/whatever at work. Because jeez what a waste of money that would be. Plus the one time I did I got sick so fuck that.

2. Speaking of eating habits, I think everyone knows this about me already but I have a very hard time eating meat (red meat, turkey, hot dogs, whatever) and cooked tomatoes. Bleghhh.

3. I actually really hate memes like this 'cause I can never think of anything. I'm so sure other people would be better at pointing out weird things about me than myself. <-- totally valid fact kthnx.

4. I collect socks and find it extremely difficult to throw them away even if they have ginormous holes in them.

5. Unless I'm rushed, it takes me at least hour to finish a cup of coffee/tea.

6. I literally have a black hole of a stomach when it comes to sweets and desserts. I get stuffed pretty easily with normal food, but yeah, sugar-loaded stuff? There's no limit.

7 (because I admit 3 isn't all that valid). I have bronze-golden-lime eyes \o/ AGAIN everyone knows this I think. Bawh.

AGGH. WHY WAS THAT SO HARD. >_< I'm not all that interesting, so finding weird facts was a bitch. idk. Oh and for the 6 people I have to tag? Um, whoever wants to. You, you, you, you, you, and you.


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